Thoughts About a Change
Well I was thinking about changing things up here on the old blog site so I tried a new template and....hated it! There followed a few moments of sheer panic trying to get back to this very basic design and I am so relieved to have recovered it. Phew, certain changes can be way too frightening. I think this 'old' version is just fine. It is simple and not so busy-bee with a dozen other things going on in the margins and on the top, etc. I just want to say a few words, post a few pictures and this format serves my purpose. This is no novel, it's not even a short story. It is just a p
lace to essentially talk to myself and to garner a bit of feedback (which I dearly love) from some friends (whom I also dearly love) to bring me back to earth.
I have decided to make some other minor changes though. One is my 'links' list which I think needs to be updated. There are some more blogs out there are near and dear to my heart and I want to share them. The other reason is that I have noticed that a
lot of people start a blog and then let it fizzle....sure there are lots of good reasons for that... but it kind of saddens me a bit when someone just stops posting. I often wonder what is going on. It is kind of like being dropped by a friend with no explanation. Yes, 'e-friends' are friends too, just in a parallel universe, and really, we can never have too many friends, 'e' or otherwise, can we? So, for anyone out there I am posting some random photos for no good reason at all and saying "HELLO".
Yeah... I said "shag-IT!" to the "cutest blog on the block".... ditched it.. too busy.
Love your thoughts, you big mouth. Especially love your fotogs... and beyond everything else.... I love you. Mean it.
Loved chattin it up wit you.
Your lil sista - Chardonnay
oh GREAT!!
Way to make me feel guilty for not posting on my blogs!!! haha.
I've been having a couple of weeks where things are just crappy. Not horrible, just the constant business of chores and unwanted tasks combined with random annoying bad luck.
Busted oven, bills being all wrong, being on hold for hours, sleeve getting stuck in a door, stepping in dog poop, cell phone crashing, heat not working, and running out of toothpaste for no good reason.
So with my head a mess and cranky, I was afraid to post and be super negative because I feel too many of my posts are used to vent.
I've also been trying to edit/brush up a little story I have and would like to submit to a publisher for kicks.
ok- that's my excuse out!
Glad you didn't change your template, I really like it and it just feels right. I also love your random pictures.
IN any case: "Hello" to you too!
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii e-friend! ;)
For some reason, when you talked about the "fizzling" of some blogs, I had some guilt creep up the back of my neck ... heh. I'm pretty sure I could give you a million excuses too, but then you are right: it really doesnt take that long to post a few pics and say hello!
PS: I think that Prada pic is the saddest thing I've seen in a loooong time! LOL. Kinda like me, when I don't blog! LOL
Hey Gina,
Catching up with you here today!! Our first snow in Edmonton came yesterday on Kyle's b-day. He is 10 now and Cory is 12!! Oh how time flies hey? Would love for you to meet Kara one day. I have just posted 2 new posts on my authentic blog. My challenge is this stupid facebook thing. I put too much on there which gets lost forever...a blog you can search and read over and over. I am looking at shifting gears more and more. FB has its benefits (eg. meeting lost loves/friends/making new friends/meeting other people with crohns etc), but there is so much twaddle on there. So I want to be a daily blogger and PT facebooker!
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