Tuesday 15 July 2008

The Hokey Pokey?

...maybe that IS what it's all about! Upon reflection of the utter 'mundane-ness' of life, I am perversely comforted when reminded that we are not alone... that everyone has been there, done that, discovered and/or created. This continuous repetitive treadmill has all been before and if you are thinking it, then someone else is doing it. Wow. We are all united. We are all connected by that thread. I think that is why it is so much fun to be in the midst of an experience so many others have shared. Like many before me, I am very much in love with my dog, and so thankful to have been blessed with her for so long. It is a little thing in the grand scheme of little things but it has been a miracle to me. I am thinking these things because she is getting old and she is changing in very obvious ways and it makes me sad. But today she is still my little angel, as sappy as that sounds to some of you and as real as that sounds to the rest of you, it is a walk worth taking. Sweet.


kevel88 said...

Nothing wrong with mundane. . . Today, I heard many stories. . . foreclosures, lost jobs, loss of a child, lost moments. . . . I am glad I am experiencing mundane right now.

LG said...

I know it's hard to do all the time, but those moments when we're able to truly appreciate what we have right here right now, are some of the most amazing, thank you for reminding me

Joey Boshart said...

Love is such a gift... whether it's with a person, a four-legged family member, or a moment that lives on in our memory....

Love is a very sweet and precious gift, and those who have been so blessed to hold it know that it lives eternally. It is a walk worth taking, it is sweet...oh so very enjoyable, embrace it.