Friday 5 December 2008

My Birthday Suit...

Another year older, a wee bit wiser, far richer and still cheeky. Cheers!


Joey Boshart said...

You,naked, cheeky, monkey!!! Naughty, naughty, naughty... good thing you don't believe in Santa Clause....

Hugs from "the less cold place"

Joey and Ricky

Joey Boshart said...

Wait... when I looked again... I noticed that you have a reindeer pattern around your coat... You've finally crossed over to "holiday outfits"!! Next thing you know you'll be taking a "senior" yoga class... : )

Love from the "cheeky monkey" in the SoDak Banana Belt.

-stewarts- said...

happy belated birthday, sexy lady. love you! -ash

~~Sittin.n.Spinnin said...

Where to start.
Hi! I guess is as good as any :)
You posted to my blog today... I dont know what happened to you, I dont need to know, but reading your posts has left me breathless. I dont know how much you read on my blog, maybe you got to the part about my losing my son. I have never come any closer to death than that, but your eloquent words reflect a lot of what I have been feeling since he died.
I was going to reply to your comment on my blog, but the email says 'noreply' so would you mind emailing me? sittin.n.spinnin at
Hoping to chat with you :)
ps. Happy BD!