Friday, 4 May 2012


What is going on with BLOGGER?    I do not like being forced into making changes... I do not want a FANCY blog... I like my simple, old-school style.   Going to resist.   Although, I have been thinking of changing some things to coincide with life's new directions so maybe, just maybe, I will consider some new things.  But I hate to give up this simple format.  I find some other formats just so busy with 'this & that' on the sidebars and I do detest 'ads' on blogs...puleeez.


kevel88 said...

I totally agree. The last blog I did with this format was tedious!! Are they trying to discourage bloggers? Harder to adjust picture or move around. . . I guess David Bowie is singing in my ear.. . CHA-CHA-CHA-CHANGES. . . FACE THE STRANGE. . .


ingrid said...

I've gotten used to some changes. Unless there are more on the way that I haven't seen yet? ugh....

BOBOJOJO said...

Is it me or can anyone else not read this, Tiny Tiny format

I'm sorry blogger
go back or im done
lifes to short to fight with a 0&*)#@ computter
may ill take up golfnaickag