I have never been what I would call a 'spiritual' person. I have trouble believing in what I can't see, touch or hear. But something is changing and it is weird and I need to talk about it. In my circle of 'dog blessed' friends (and you know who you are) I am getting more and more, the sense of a certain departed soul morphing into me. Yes...the soul/presence/essence of another is worming its way, quite physically, into me. It pleases me to say that it is a comforting sense of peace and somewhat soothes the rawness of her loss. I felt the void of my dear little girlfriend most recently and its loudness and vastness spoke to me. Hence, I have started collecting rocks from all the places that we visited together as a team and it will be our memorial. Life, as sweet as it is, is quite lonely without my Cowgirl.
Dare I do this? Yes. Here goes. Why do so many people love Facebook? I do not get it and I have tried now for a few months. When I remember to log on and I start 'peeping' into other peoples' lives via their public messages to eachother, I lose interest very quickly. Let's be honest here, I enjoy a good peep just like anyone else but really, bits & pieces of conversations with no background information are just plain boring. Its like the uncomfortable feeling I get around public displays of affection that seem contrived to make others feel unloved & inadequate. I get that for some people it feels like a good and real connection but I must be missing the F-gene, because I feel even less connected when I try to participate. And don't even get me started on my 'F-friends' list as it is pathetic compared to most others. My paltry list of 6 friends is downright embarassing and a below-the-waist hit to my self esteem on those days of ' partly-cloudy with slight chance of depression'. Perhaps it is that I am too private a person and I prefer to make people work a little harder to know me...the real me...as in having to find my ramblings via this blog. Believe it or not, this is extremely risky business for me to share even this much with god knows who.