the 'thing'
It came from below...a creature unlike any wreaked havoc for days on one knew it was there until it was almost too late. So there you have it...the $2,160.60 jagged piece of rubber that plugged up PonyG's plumbing. That 'thing' got stuck in her small intestine and would not move any further along. Hence the refusal to eat or drink anything for 7 days and the downward spiral of energy and life force.
( the patient resting comfortably )
She is now under house arrest which means no running or jumping, no exercise at all, only blenderized food several times a day, and rest and quiet. The outside incision is healing nicely, but it is the inside one that we are most concerned about. Without getting into too many details, we want to avoid any 'leakage' from the intestinal incision....that would not be nice.
I had no idea the "thing" was so big. . . no wonder there was a blockage in the sausage. Poor baby. You really got to stop feeding her tires, etc. She isn't goodyear. I know that you will be giving her the best nursing care.
OMG!!! Thank goodness you guys went after it. She is a lucky, lucky, girl. Gotta watch her like a hawk eye so she doesn't eat anything else like it. Darn that "puppy" in her!!! Glad she is on the mend and resting (as best she can) and know that I am still praying for you all.
xoxo JoHo
Dreadful! I have a girl who will eat anything. and she knows how to open bags, cabinets, etc. It scares me!
Oh man!! That is insane!!!! Surgery is rough! I wish i could stop by n give her some extra lovin'. Please keep us all posted! Do u know what that thing was from?? A toy? Trash? Outside trash? Still in myprayers!!
Just checking in on our little Pony Girl. Been thinking about her and hoping she's ok. I dread this sort of thing from my own little gobbler. She's been doing well spitting things out, but man, guess it only takes one little piece. Although, I have to say, that looks kind of big. Or maybe just big for your little girl. I really hope recovery is going well. Leakage stopped? I remember SG's spay scar leaking all over and causing me grief. It's so hard to just sit and watch them. Especially after JUST going through that helpless feeling with Indie/Cowgirl. Wish you guys were a quick drive away. Kisses to the pup from me and Scarlett!!
My GAWD! Look at the size of that thing ... But I am sooooo glad she's okay. Too bad it cost an arm and a leg, but yay, she made it. What a scary experience for you. I'm glad it all worked out and I'm annoyed with myself for not having been here sooner. Big hugs!
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