Thursday, 28 February 2008

A Ritual for Some Reason

I think that one of the nicest things about being here in Mexico is that the people are so present. There isn't the posing or the hamming it up for the camera. There is just life as it is going on. Not a lot of pretensions, just comforting rituals and stuff being done the way its always been done.

I am not sure why this outdoor mass was happening but it was a pretty big deal. Lots of priests and nuns and an ice cream vendor as well as a snow cone guy who had lost several of his fingers (a tragic snow cone accident?).

Some of the smaller kids were entertaining themselves at the fountain and weren't paying any attention to the mass. The slightly older kids were just trying to get some sweets, but the adults though were pretty focused and serious. Anyway, I never could find out what was going on but later on that night there were some pretty loud fireworks.

Some San Miguel

Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Sunday, 24 February 2008

What's to Eat?

Eating. It is such a complicated subject. And oh, so emotional. I have come to my latest conclusion which is-- suprise!-- back to basics. This guy makes a really good case for a whole foods, whole grain, vegetarian lifestyle. All I can say is, let curiosity get the best of you and read it. Now, I am not lecturing anyone to change their eating habits. This is just what I am thinking about and what is making sense to me at this time. I think it may be the kind of thing that 'evolves' and 'reformulates' as time goes on.

Meanwhile, Ernesto, makes getting back to basics is easy.

And this guy always has his 'doorway garlic store' open for business. Sweet.

Saturday, 23 February 2008

What's the Point?

What is the point of my blog? I am trying to figure out why I would even want to write this 'memoir' of sorts. Believe me it is not because I think I am a good writer, or even a very interesting one. I could have just started a journal but something in me wants to share these thoughts with anyone who cares. Maybe it's just a cheap alternative to therapy. I heard the writer, Rebecca Walker, speak last night and her topic was 'memoirs' and I realized that is what I am trying to do. Trust me, I am not comparing myself in any way to an accomplished writer like Ms. Walker. I just knew that I didn't want to have another 'travel log blog' -- that has been done and even overdone. I want to have a sort of mix media thing, blending musings and memoirs with some photos. So onward into the anyone there?

Monday, 18 February 2008

There are few things worse than being sick in Mexico -- and you know what I am talkin' about -- yep, that kind of sick. But I know that the one thing worse than being sick is talking about being we are done with that. Instead, let's talk about this cute kid, Mark. He has charmed me and those of you that know me know that I am not easily charmed. Well, relatively speaking, I'm not. And like most kids he is silly and his silliness very quickly spirals down to, you guessed it, bodily functions. Like most boys, he is quite proud of himself at this moment, hence the big smiles.

Saturday, 16 February 2008

Fish on Fridays

Sometimes getting caught in the past for just a moment is such a thrill. Even here in this relatively hip and happening town, there are moments that just sneak up on me and, zoom, I am back in time. I guess it's catching a silence, or a view, or a tradition that is totally lacking in anything modern. Why is that so attractive? Even yesterday in town there were fish vendors doing a booming business on the streets. We hadn't seen that before. And then in the market itself the meat vendors were mostly all closed. What was going on? Well, it was Friday and it is Lent and the tradition, still pretty strong here, is fish on Fridays during Lent. Let's just say that this recovering Catholic girl was transported back in time pretty quickly. I liked it.

Sometimes it's fun to imagine the past and every once in awhile

Friday, 15 February 2008

Good Eats 'to go'...

Shopping for fruits and vegetables is a veritable fiesta of color and commerce. It's just so much more fun than shopping in a 'supermarket' -- yuk. How boring when in Mexico there is all this and a cute dog to accompany us as well. Mmmmm, what to eat tonight?

Thursday, 14 February 2008

We Did It!!!!

Okay, so it wasn't as bad as I imagined, although it did take many bus rides to many different places but finally, finally we got the freakin' fingerprints! We needed to first get these little, teeny, tiny photos problemo...we found a little portrait studio down an alleyway and within 20 minutes we had very flattering pictures (whatever). Then another place for copies of our id's, then another building to pay for the whole process, then back to the original place for the actual prints. As usual, everyone was so helpful and friendly, every step of the way. And you know, the bus system is great. It is really easy to get to just about anywhere on the bus. Apparently, if you can put your dog in a bag, it can ride the bus with you! Cowgirl are you ready to go for a BUS RIDE?????

Wednesday, 13 February 2008

Today's Adventure...

Well, today is the day that we visit the 'Precidencia Municipal' or the state police for Guanajuato. Why? It's those freakin' fingerprints that we still need. Remember the long, boring story of immigration? So it continues. To say that I am a little nervous about this visit would be an understatement. In my vivid imagination here is how it goes...
We step into the station and it all starts out friendly enough but then for some reason it all starts to go bad and then we hear the doors slide shut behind us and being locked. The really bad part is I had better really like my outfit because I think I will be living in it for the rest of my life. Plus, I dont think they let you keep your lipstick. I know, I know I should think positve, think positive, but I can't. I just keep seeing this really bad Mexican telenovela and we are the stars.
To be continued...

Today's Adventure...

Well, today is the day that we visit the 'Precidencia Municipal' or the state police for Guanajuato. Why? It's those freakin' fingerprints that we still need. Remember the long, boring story of immigration? So it continues. To say that I am a little nervous about this visit would be an understatement. In my vivid imagination here is how it goes... We step into the station and it all starts out friendly enough but then for some reason it all starts to go bad and then we hear the doors slide shut behind us and being locked. The really bad part is I had better really like my outfit because I think I will be living in it for the rest of my life. Plus, I dont think they let you keep your lipstick. I know, I know I should think positve, think positive, but I can't. I just keep seeing this really bad Mexican telenovela and we are the stars.

Monday, 11 February 2008

A Question...

What is it about leaving Mexico that causes such ambivalence? It's a funny thing but even at it's dustiest and most inefficient, it still remains endearing. I think for me it is a combination of things, of course. One thing that is really obvious is when meeting another person, a stranger, and exchanging 'buenas dias' (or buenas tardes or buenas noches) it seems so genuine. Another thing is that when you do run into someone you know or have recently met, it is an opportunity to chat and to chat a bunch, for a while. The time it takes to do this it the time it takes to fill in the spaces in your day. It also allows you to notice some of the quirkiness around you while also getting your day to day chores done. So upon reflection, I think it is the feeling of contentment that that I am left with at the end of the day. It is a really nice feeling.

A Question...

What is it about leaving Mexico that causes such ambivalence? It's a funny thing but even at it's dustiest and most inefficient, it still remains endearing. I think for me it is a combination of things, of course. One thing that is really obvious is when meeting another person, a stranger, and exchanging 'buenas dias' (or buenas tardes or buenas noches) it seems so genuine. Another thing is that when you do run into someone you know or have recently met, it is an opportunity to chat and to chat a bunch, for a while. The time it takes to do this it the time it takes to fill in the spaces in your day. It also allows you to notice some of the quirkiness around you while also getting your day to day chores done. So upon reflection, I think it is the feeling of contentment that that I am left with at the end of the day. It is a really nice feeling.

Sunday, 10 February 2008

Right in front of you

Sometimes it is all quite can you not love a country that calls a very popular bread products company this?

Right in front of you

Sometimes it is all quite can you not love a country that calls a very popular bread products company this:

Saturday, 9 February 2008

Meandering Around Town

A hot and dusty day in Mexico means moving slow and stopping and resting often. Just taking notice of the little things like how pretty the Iglesia de San Antonio looks in the early morning and then again later in the day with a wedding going on.

Then there are the sweet little street scenes when the colors and shapes and textures just catch your eye and you hope you can capture some of it in a picture. Well, it's worth a try. Of course, on a day like today being seduced by the grand cathedral in 'el centro' was a given, so I took a snapshot like all the other tourists here this Saturday.

Meandering Around Town

A hot and dusty day in Mexico means moving slow and stopping and resting often. Just taking notice of the little things like how pretty the Iglesia de San Antonio looks in the early morning and then again later

Friday, 8 February 2008

Geting Things Done -- the Mexican Way

The Mexicans are the most helpful of people. Trying to get thing done in Mexico as anyone knows who has visited here can be an exercise in persistence and patience. But the outstanding thing is that even though someone cannot help you with your odd, off-the-wall request, they may just know someone else who can. And so they direct you out of their office and down the 'calle' into someone else's. Eventually, and this is always the case, you will find what you need. Such is the case with us trying to get a set of fingerprints done. Why, you might ask, would we need such a thing? Good question, but believe me, it would entail a long and very boring answer. The more interesting thing is the whole process and the fact that doing it here in this lovely town is so much more fun than doing it 'on the other side'. And anyway where else can one see papayas like these?