Well it just so happens to be that 'day' again. You know the one...we all have that one day a year where even though we try not to, we kind of feel like we are just a teeny bit more special and dare I say, more precious, than on any of those other regular days of the year.
Okay, I may just be speaking for myself (I doubt it) but so what if I am.
The Birth Day.
Why after so many of them does it still even matter?
Rationally, there ought to be an expiry date on celebrating the Birth Day.
But that just seems so depressing.
Especially when the ultimate expiry date is clearly getting closer.
So what I am trying to say is 'thanks' to ALL of you dear friends and to my remaining family for making this day wonder-full. I am glad you haven't gotten tired of me...yet!
You have all been so kind.