Monday, 18 July 2011

M O N T A N A....


Saturday, 16 July 2011

Find the Moon

So, I was trying to get the sweet, sliver of a moon the other night. But, being that I have a very basic (read 'cheap') camera, this is what I got. Anyway, such is the beauty of the blog. A rare sighting of PonyG in repose.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Obligatory Food Picture

Sorry, apologies in advance, but I couldn't resist the prettiness of this dish. I love the summer-time-cooking-on-the-BBQ easy meals. We've been roasting everything and anything and adding bunches of herbs fresh from the garden. After these beauties were done they were chopped up and added to some cooked pasta and magically became 'summer roasted veg/herb pasta'
PonyG of course is always very interested in any food related activities but in reality she is very satisfied with her raw meat diet. Don't worry, I won't be showing any photos of her meals.

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Not Guilty ... reason of insanity? I don't know the specifics but after spending days (three of them) and being frustrated as only a computer snafu can frustrate, I finally figured out my blog 'problem'. Apparently the photo of the lovely Princessa Kate that I snitched off the internet and TRIED to post on my very own blog was a no go...uh uh...not allowed...take it off or we will come get you - type situation in the making. Okay, the offending photo is off my Canada Day post. Not need for me to go on the lam, no need for any community service...not even any parole. So, for the time being I have eluded the royal wrath. Cheers.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Woo hoo .... CANADA

Happy Canada Day ! We had a full day celebrating a wonderful life in a great country. As if it could be no other way, the sun finally came out and the rains stopped. It was a glorious and warm day. It's really nice to be here.