I found myself leaving a comment on someone's blog recently and realized, once again that I have a very strong opinion about this subject of guns, in general, and hunting specifically. As I rambled on and on with my comment (you can see it at: http://callmenurse.blogspot.ca/) I decided that it should be a blog topic for me and hence...you.
Okay, here goes.
Can we just be honest about it? It is about killing living things. For no good reason. That really is the long and the short story.
Please do not try to convince me otherwise. I have heard all the arguments especially the one about it being okay as long as the animal is eaten. Is that because most sport hunters are starving and can't get to the store? I have also been subjected to the lecture about connecting with nature and bonding with your elders or your kids (nice example to the next generation) living off the land, etc., and blah, blah, blah. Oh come on.
Most hunters are just guys & gals who enjoy killing and can easily obtain food and too much of it almost any where or grow it, like the rest of us do.
People...it is simply not the right thing to do in this day and age in our modern world.
Yes, I do realize that in some remote parts of the world some people do hunt to eat but I am not talking about them.
Wildlife have enough obstacles to their daily survival, as it is. Do they really need to deal with human beings and all their ridiculous hunting gear/equipment/vehicles/dogs, in order to provide sport ? This is of course after being terrorized first. Think about this reality combined with a little alcohol and you get the picture.
(Can you say hunting accident?)
Just the thought of how the odds are so stacked against wildlife is quite distressing.
It is so not a man against nature challenge.
As if we need that concept anyway.
Then there is the belief that there is the hunter out there that is ethical, responsible & humane (aka killer-of-living- things-for-sport). Uh huh.
I know that guy too and I really like him a lot but
I find it hard to wrap my head around this activity that he participates in.
I do know that we won't ever discuss this issue.
Please do not tell me about population control unless you are taking about human population control.
The fact is that there really are too many people, not too many animals in the world.
People alone have created the situations in which there are too many animals in too small an area (loss of habitat, perhaps, due to rampant human development and just plain old destruction).
Killing living things for sport (aka hunting)
is wrong.
I'm pretty sure about that.
Kindness to all living things is much better.