Tuesday, 19 February 2013


   As we open up the walls of this MO-bile we are greeted by these words which now has become one of those 'jokes'.   Something that makes you ask yourself  'what were they thinking'  as you smile turns wry and a little smirky.  This is followed by a shake of  the head and a lift of the eyebrows and again the question... 'what were they thinking?'.     Maybe this means something other than what I think it means?  Maybe it is some kind of  lumber mill code...could that be it?  Not bloody likely as our Brit friends would say.

The good news is that the insides of the walls are mostly bone dry and not, I tell you, not filled with 'mousey' habitation evidence.  We have become happy with the small gifts that MO-bile ownership has bestowed upon us (wry smile inserted here).    So we pull out the R-7 (non) insulation and replace it with more R's insulation  and remove & replace the drafty windows with pretty, new ones that actually slide easily and allow the taking in of the lovely view.   It has meant living in a lot of dust & dirt & noise and these are just wee projects in the grand scheme of home re-muddling.  But, and this is a BIG butt (think Sir MIXALOT),  the user-friendly, modern, finished product always makes the mess worth it. 

So as you peruse the 'in process' pics (to come)  please be kind and keep in mind that there is a whole lot of behind the scenes horror that just gets swept up after every work day and then dinner is made and clean sheets are put on the bed and another day is done.  The possibilities, as they say, and they are annoying,    are endless,  as is the fun of playing house.

Cheers from an obsessed re-muddler.

Friday, 1 February 2013

B & W & So Soft

Playing around with paint.net and realizing how much better the world looks through 'soft focus' .  

This may have to be my default...yowza.