Saturday, 7 September 2013

Modest MO-bile Kitchen Face-lift


Well major progress has been made on the kitchen re-muddle, as you can see.  It's hard to tell at a glance just how much work goes into even a simple re-do like this one but let me tell you...a lot!   The goal was a modest MO-bile face-lift bringing this 70's era beast into a  modern, industrial, functional and clean era.   Although there are several more smallish details to attend to and one not-so-small flooring issue to deal with, we are well on our way to checking this project off the list.   NO  we did not replace any appliances as they are all just fine and in great working order but down the road I am seeing some chic 'black' things making their way into the space.  YES  I said 'black' not stainless as I am,  if nothing else,  cheeky  when it comes to design preferences.   Obviously, there is enough 'stainless' in this kitchen already and any more would be just too 'Dexter-ish', if you get my drift.