Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Obligatory Food Picture

Sorry, apologies in advance, but I couldn't resist the prettiness of this dish. I love the summer-time-cooking-on-the-BBQ easy meals. We've been roasting everything and anything and adding bunches of herbs fresh from the garden. After these beauties were done they were chopped up and added to some cooked pasta and magically became 'summer roasted veg/herb pasta'
PonyG of course is always very interested in any food related activities but in reality she is very satisfied with her raw meat diet. Don't worry, I won't be showing any photos of her meals.


Anonymous said...

What is that ????? Did she finally hit puberty??? Is that a "dog bra" you have on her???? Very strange indeed..... he-he... I know it's a special harness. But, I must still state, that is exactly what bra's are too!!! At least it's a sexy black one.

Can't wait to see you! We're counting down!

ingrid said...

wow that food looks amazing. I've been craving stuffed peppers for about a year now, and for some reason haven't made them! The only recipe I have is for a crock pot, and my pot is too small. I really need to just take a chance and make them. I've never made them, in fact I'm not sure I've ever eaten them. But they always sound like amazing food! And now - served with pasta you say??!! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

oh sorry Pony Girl - you're very lovely as well. But you already knew that! :)

kevel88 said...

I am just loving that summer harvest, too. I fixed a ratatouille with all produce from the garden. . . maybe I will post a few pics of my food....


ingrid said...

Thanks for the recipe notes! I still want to make these!