Sunday, 28 October 2012


The change of season happened so suddenly.  It seemed that  we were all  so hot & bothered just the other day, weren't we?     The leaves all turned from green to beautiful  and then that W.I.N.D. came barrelling through the valley for a about 10 minutes one afternoon and voila...leaves gone, bunch of trees down, temp suddenly quite chilly and now its very hard to get the dog off the bed.   I feel bad but I have to resort to the old "come on, let's go for a ride" ploy.  Anyway, she falls for it every time and seems to forgive & forget after running around the property like the banshee that she is

Our neighbour's chickens are now laying eggs and we are the recipients of these beauties -- once a week!

The last of the fruit stand's bounty.

My sage before drying it--so lovely. 

Saturday, 13 October 2012


Here is the project we have had under wraps for the last couple of months.
I had this idea brewing in my head for a while now and just had to find a talented 'guy' to help make it a reality.
I finally did.
Let's just call him 'Donny' and let's just call him a really

He did a superb job making this into a reality.

I won't elaborate much now because there is a lot of finish work to do -- silicone caulking, painting, more sealing, increasing the water pressure -- the behind the scenes, essential but boring stuff. 
 Then the re-vamping the rest of the bathroom (lighting, new sink/fixtures, some kind of counter top etc.,etc.).  Oh, yeah, some ideas are incubating in my wee head.

I must also thank K-grrl for delivering the most beautiful coloured glass blocks from California to BC.
They light that comes through those two blocks is
They are perfect.

I am having so much fun with this MO-bile!



Sunday, 7 October 2012

Thank You Very Much

Happy Thanksgiving!

All one-in-a-million loves big.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Flat, Flatter & Flattest

Greetings from the USofA  heartland... a place of vast environmental degradation, cattle feedlots  and  sweet puppy mills.  A land of 'GMO' corn, soybeans & cotton.     A land where  pesticides and chemical farm aids cloud up the air and the  creeks and rivers,  if not completely dried up,  are  polluted.  It's a place where people seem to be very thirsty and only a  67oz sugar drink can quench that thirst.  And let us not forget the flies...yes, the flies,  which provide countless hours of outdoor entertainment for the whole family.  Are you getting the picture?  I have been. I have seen. I became a bit depressed.

Yes, I did get to ride a South Dakota pony and spend time with my little 'sister'  but it was not under the best of circumstances.  Life has thrown her, and her guy, a real, big sucker punch and she was still reeling from that reality of life,  and almost death.  So you see my point?  Things were a bit skewed all the way around and I wanted to go home.  I wanted to be home.  I was happy to go home.

But, hey, what can you do?  I did get back home and pulled on the trusty rubber wellies and started mucking around again. Oh, yes it felt so good.   Sometimes you just have to put on your blinders and forge straight ahead,  get dirty and do  your part to save your own little world.   Maybe  try to make a teeny tiny difference in someone's life besides your own.  I hope I do some of that, some time, for someone, somewhere.  Not fishing for compliments here, just wondering and reflecting on a road trip that still has me puzzled.