Sunday, 25 November 2012

Pity, pity pot

I had a slight stumble this past week but I've since recovered my balance.    We're talking 'emotional' stumbles here not the break-a-hip kind.   I shall blame it on the 'headache' that lasted for 4 days and led me to believe that I was not long for this earth.   It also could have been some dysfunctional family interactions but,  whoa, babies,  it's dark in there.      Well, off the pity pot am I now,  so listen up little ones as the message here is loud & clear:   

 Me back and as delusional as ever...will I ever grow up and not enjoy this stuff?

Monday, 12 November 2012


'the good life'  

this wine has a story

'chicky pot pie'

larch trees in autumn...need I say more?  

Woke up this morning to the first snow which is always so beautiful.   Maybe one day, I will come to loath it like so many others,   but for now,  I am simply awed by the quiet and the clean beauty, especially this first day.   It still amazes me that nine years ago we left our California beach cottage and headed out to find something 'else' and did we ever.   Fast forward to today as I sit in a tidy little MO-bile  (read: trailer) all warm and cozy and watch the ever so teeny snow flakes falling in slow-mo.
 The 'good life' step you are wondering about is a recent gift from our stone mason/artist known as  'the Gavinator'.   There are pieces of coloured glass imbedded in the concrete and he kindly installed it immediately upon delivery!   Wow. Beyond cool.

The three bottles of wine pictured above were purchased by 'Mr. Cheap'   at a discount store a few years ago.   They have been kept around because we like the labels and never intended to drink them....sooooooo.....upon 'googling' we come to find out that $2 wines are now worth  $125, $150 and $175.  Well, according to the internet, that is.   It is somewhat doubtful that the wine is still good, as our storage policies & procedures these past 9 years have been somewhat loose and fairly negligent and basically, ignored.    Anyone want to join us one night to pop them open? 

The 'chicky pot pie' needs no explanation except to say it is a fine example of how the colder weather brings on different food yearnings -- this being one of them-- yeah,  homemade and really, really good. This would never fly in the heat of summer that's for sure, but last night we (just the 2 of us) devoured it almost completely.  It could have been our last meal, you don't know.

Then there are the larch trees on this property that I have come to know and love.  I did not know anything about this tree before moving here.  Last year I thought they were dying  when they turned this pumpkin-orange colour in the fall.  Not so, just flaming, freakin' beautiful.

That's the story for now from the Valley of the Crescent.