Monday, 31 December 2012

Buried Alive!!

Just a few scenes from around the place to give you 'southerners' an idea of  'what is what'  up here in the great white north.  I understand that you don't care but I can't  care that you don't care.    Hence,  here are some of the adventures that you are missing out on.   

  • There is the slipping & sliding & falling which can be a hoot. (Kind of like how Ashton Kutcher is a 'hoot'(NOT)...what was Demi thinking?)
  • There is the shoveling & salting that is a major part of  the daily winter workout to try and avoid the above.    
  • There are the daily trips to the compost bin and the recycling containers.   This may sound simple but here these mundane tasks require several minutes (and lots of grunting by some) to  properly  layer clothing in order to avoid hypothermia.  Of course I exaggerate somewhat but not a whole lot especially about the grunting by you-know-who.     Layering is very important and if one does not resemble David Byrne is his infamous 'Fat Suit' then one is at risk.  It is not pretty as the many humiliating photos floating about  show clearly.
  • There is also the entire 3/4 of the property that is inaccessible and can only be longingly looked at and fondly remembered.    Okay, we could slide down there now that the lovely blanket of snow has turned to a glacier but really, why would we?  
  • There are also the comings & goings to get to the car,  to get to the STORE.     I now happily (yes happily!)   shop for my coffee creme at the gas station-video-liquor-beer-potato chip-propane-cigarette STORE.   Besides, they have the better brand of creme anyway and now they know me and I usually run into other peoples from the hood.   That's fun and also nice that we all look a little plumpish.

  •  Then there is the absolute best thing which is finally, the quiet. Yeah, that is one pretty nice thing about being buried in snow.

Sunday, 23 December 2012


       My mexi-mutt is all about the snow!  Right now it is so deep that she has to 'swim' through it and that suits her just fine.  For some reason the fun  is more, better, bigger, longer, louder when I am out there with her.     No matter what it is we are doing -- could be just hauling the compost out or shoveling the walkway-- she is MY dog when we are out in the thick of it--and she lets me know it.  She is jumping for joy  all over the place and her be so happy makes me get big smile.  We aren't dreaming of a white Christmas we are having one.  

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Something about today

I like graveyards.  I especially like ones like this one just off the road somewhere in the middle of the USof A.   They have been having a drought down there for a few years now and lots of things besides people are dead or dying or drying up.  No more rivers, creeks, streams, lakes, ponds or reservoirs...all gone....all dried up.  Most of the city folks seem oblivious and continue to use water like it is plentiful.  Their cups are running over.  Their glasses are more than half full.  Their lawns are very green. 

Today we walked along the river here in the valley.  It's a big, wide river.   So much water.  Water gushing everywhere.  Water seeping out of rocks.  No snow here yet which is worrisome in the grand scheme of things and quite warm temps for  December,  but reassuring to know that there is water still close by.