Saturday, 22 June 2013


This is the PonyG's first snail encounter.  She was gobsmacked (I love that word).  Could barely get out the door.   Once outside she could not make eye contact with it for fear of provoking an attack.  
Thankfully, no fatalities occurred during this photo shoot.

Yes this is just a feeble attempt at a blog post due to a muddled mind as of late.  I suspect I will be reprimanded hotly by my total lack of regard for 
blogging in general.
But, sometimes you just have to put it out there to get things rolling again.


Anonymous said...

It's a lovely blog. I feel a blog coming. :)

Anonymous said...

well, I don't feel a blog coming and it has been a month and half. . . Cute pics. . . Ugly snails!!


ingrid said...

I've been thinking about you guys a lot lately! And got your recent messages. Yes, it's true, I've been spending no time at my desk/computer unless it's for work. And I feel the sooner I'm out of this chair the better. All my internet "fun" has been on my phone/tablet. I know it's as simple as learning the mobile versions of blogs and such, but I just hate typing long things on little keyboards.
Things are well, just super busy. I've been writing more in my actual paper/pen journal than anywhere. But I'll try to return to my blog more. I have much to say about SG. Much more than any of my facebook connections care to hear about. ;) Most of my posts there and on instagram are of Scarlett, sooo......yeah, not to many "friends" caring about that. hahah.

SG is well - hoping to get her in a class to work towards her Canine Good Citizen Certificate! We'll see how that goes.

In any case - company coming over today so I'm housecleaning.....promise to return to our cyber friendship soon!!
miss you!!

MST said...

Meanwhile, this was my fave post yet!