Monday 27 January 2014

te quiero Lopez

Before I waste any time at all, I will quickly load up some pictures from  LOPEZ Island....just off the coast of Washington State, US of A....really seems more like Canada but what do I know?

It's nice and quiet here.  I've always liked islands and now I LOVE islands....especially this one.

Bye for now 


kevel88 said...

So beautiful!!

Dog By Nature said...

Love those northwest islands! Have a GReat time.

xo-sunny puppy

ingrid said...

wow! I thought your previous slew of photos was pretty!! Maybe it's the lack of snow in these. ;)

so I saw your comments. Yes I am in other social media places if you want fairly regular (yet boring) updates of SG & I. I have a facebook account. Yes, I have facebook. I needed on to be an admin for my last job, now I do all the facebook for my current job too. And what the hell, it DOES keep me in touch with people and news. Dog news mostly. my url is
but I"m private so unless I know 100% who someone is, I won't friend them, and even then.....

Or instagram - same name : philly_jane and you'll see SG's big ol' grin there.

Maybe we'll find each other somewhere else in cyber space, but if not, I'll still be here on blogger for a while!!
cheers lady!!!!