There is nothing in the world that smells better than a loaf of baking bread. We have taken on the joy(challenge?) of baking our own bread these days. Please trust me I am not going to preach about it. I know that it is an endeavor that is time consuming and fraught with dangers. There is a learning curve that involves some failures and some so-so successes, but ultimately once you figure it out,the best thing you ever will taste is smack in front of you. It draws crowds of admirers both two-footed and four-footed, and provides a 'leave-it' training opportunity as well.
PonyGirl could barely contain her enthusiasm, but she did. I swear, this consistency thing with dogs really works. If only we could stifle her yodeling alarm bark that scares the living shee-it out of me every time I hear it.
Anyone for a warm slice of bread with some, (God help me) real butter?
MMMMmmmmm...... I can almost smell it....crunchy on the outside, soft and yummy on the inside... AND What a good girl! Very impressive. She is a very beautiful dog. LOVE the LEGS!!!! And of course her beautiful markings.
Are you sure thats bread Gee?
My baked potatoes look somewhat similar.
C'mon tell the truth Gee, you couldn't get her to eat it right?
Always in your corner Gee.
I'm so incredibly jealous right now, on so many levels.
but - Yay Pony Girl.
Is that animal cruelty? Now what prize did the girl get?
Ben is laying here passing gas. . . got to go, I am choking. . .
MMMMmmmmm...... I can almost smell it....crunchy on the outside, soft and yummy on the inside... AND What a good girl! Very impressive. She is a very beautiful dog. LOVE the LEGS!!!! And of course her beautiful markings.
YUM! I don't know how Ponygirl did it, but if it was me sitting there, you wouldn't be so lucky! :D
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