Saturday 5 January 2013


 It took us a few weeks and there was a lot of prep work (hate it) --   insulation, moulding, caulking, sanding, the making of shelf etc. by the K-man and lastly the painting. I've come full circle on the 'white' and I'm loving it.   

 Finally I was able to do the fun part -- pull everything together.  Had an idea of creating new bedazzling & bejewelled  knobs for the old mexican armoire.  So got out my glue and glass beads and old buttons--and there they are.  Then WOW--how black paint transformed that old pine piece into a chic, modern storage unit.  I remember buying and hauling that thing from Ensenada, Mexico oh so many years ago.   I couldn't be more pleased with that and the old trunk of the same vintage.  Of course, found at long last the perfect spot for a 'fleur-di-lis'courtesy of Joey-ho my personal 'f-d-l' supplier. 

 It seems to be working as this old MO-bile is feeling 'MO' like 'home' all the time. 


Anonymous said...

WOW!! What a difference!! LOOKS TERRIFIC!!

Anonymous said...

That is great! Is that just the mud room? It is so charming. Ok Gina we have to make a team and do this for $$$$ :) well, maybe in our next life.

Anonymous said...

The MO drum is MO gnificent . Fit for a MOdern king and queen in their MO bile palace.
Love it, you clever talented girl ,

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love,LOVE it!!!! You are always so creative with your spaces. The glitter and shine once they've been Gina-ized. :) Hugs from the FO-DE-LI-HO

Anonymous said...

take your boots off outside...please!This is the loveliest mud room ever .

Anonymous said...

Just fab Prima Gina!!

Come down here and work some magic on my homestead!!


ingrid said...

I can't believe you made the mud room white!!! hahah! It's like you laugh in the face of doom!! If life is going to be shitty - bring it on!! Don't hide it, don't mask it - let me see if directly and in it's full glory!!

I think this room says more about you than perhaps you intended. ;)

I also love the idea of your find, quietly waiting for it's big moment. My cousin asked me (when visiting my house for the first time) "where did you get all this old furniture and stuff?" I was please to tell her that they had been acquired over the years just waiting for the perfect time and place to become fully realized. :)

Something beautiful and fulfilling about having the past you know just how much the future you will enjoy something.

Dana G said...

Dah-ling!!! It is BEAUTIFUL!!! So classy. I am so impressed :) xo